5 Myths About Personal Brand Photography
Brand photography is something that’s gained more traction in recent years as we small business owners have learned more and more about marketing our work. We know that we need a strong brand, but how to go about doing that gets a lot more murky. Just a quick google search or hunt around instagram, and you can find every view on marketing under the sun. It’s confusing and makes you want to just give up on this whole thing.

Though I’m not a specialist in marketing, I AM a specialist in photography and some of the best ways they can help you market your business and brand. So instead of adding to the noise, let me help provide a little clarity by breaking down some of the myths I regularly hear about personal brand photography.

Myth #1: I just need one good headshot
When people tell me ‘I don’t need a whole brand session, I just need one good headshot.’ I want to facepalm. I mean, I get it. I really do, because a brand session sounds like a lot of work and one photo sounds easy. But have you ever grabbed your phone to take a selfie and just completely loved the first one you took? Maybe, you special unicorn you, but most likely you took 20 different ones, trying to get the right expression, angle and lighting. Though I can get great posed photos on my first try, getting my clients comfortable takes more time than that. I’ve always found that the 30 minute mark is the sweet spot where people relax enough to look more confident and like themselves. We all have to warm up to get our best shots.
The other BIGGER reason this myth kills me is that taking just one headshot is really a huge missed opportunity. You’ve already taken the time to do your hair and makeup, pick a great outfit, hire a photographer, and head to the shoot location but you’re just going to walk away with a few headshots?!? It’s SUCH a better use of your time to put in a little extra work with your planning and walk away with stunning headshots, great lifestyle images that show your personality, shots of you working, and even make custom stock photos by using your own tools and products. With photos like that, creating your website and posting to social media is so easy! Please, please, PLEASE do yourself a favor and get more than just a headshot. Future you will thank you.
Myth #2: My Business is too new to need brand photos
We’re too old, too young, too inexperienced, too out of touch, you name it and we can think of a reason we don’t have what it takes to succeed. And when we’re full of self-doubt, it can make it even harder to invest in ourselves and our businesses. Especially when our businesses are new, it can especially feel like we have to hit a certain sales amount before we can invest in branding photos, but those photos can actually be a huge boost to our credibility, and in return, our sales.
Have you ever seen a friend announce a new business venture on social media, and when you click to check out their new profile, it’s cell phone snapshots? It’s understandable for a new business but it doesn’t exactly make you trust the quality of their work. And then, a different friend announces their business and when you see the photos they’ve posted, they’re professional, beautifully styled images that tell a clear story of who they are and what they sell. Which business do you trust and take a bit more seriously? The one that’s invested in beautiful photos right? Now of course, we have to follow up those photos by serving our clients well and providing a great service or product, but those photos can really help people give us a chance in the first place.

Myth #3: I sell a product so people don’t need to see me.
Ok, so if this myth were actually true, there would be no such thing as spokesmodels. There wouldn’t be Estee Lauder girls, or dancing models with Apple iPods, it would just be the products photographed all on their lonesome. But even these big companies know this doesn’t work because what we buy and from whom is a way we show our identity, and none of us identify with a square piece of metal with a screen. Like when I was growing up I HAD to wear all Roxy clothes and Vans shoes, because the way the brands presented themselves was the way I wanted to be seen too.
The good news is you actually have a big leg up on these huge corporate companies. They don’t have a clear creator or face of their company so they have to hire models to represent them, but YOU are the face of your business. So if you present yourself in purposeful brand photos alongside photos of your amazing products, people can connect with what you and your business are all about. And that combination is a recipe for raving fans!
Myth #4: My Brand photos have to be taken at my business
Some clients are worried that if they don’t take brand photos at their home office, studio or store that it would be fake and inauthentic. But I don’t think that’s true at all! Does a restaurant’s dish become less their genuine if it’s placed on a beautiful dining table instead of on their kitchen counter? Of course not! If we photograph something in an intentional, beautiful setting, we show that it is respected and valued. The same is true for people, so it’s my job to make sure that I photograph all my clients and their businesses in a beautiful way while still being true to who they are and the clients they want to attract.
But before you decide for or against having your personal brand photos at your business, I have another secret for you. Photography is ALL about light! The etymology of the word ‘photograph’ is actually drawing with light. So look around your studio, store, or restaurant and notice what the light is like. Do you have floor to ceiling windows and light walls, or are your walls dark with only artificial light? The look of the light drastically impacts the color and feel of your photos, so if you don’t have at least some natural light, I would suggest working with your photographer to find a different location.

Myth #5: I only need brand photos once.
Have you ever hired, for example, a realtor or an accountant and seen their photo only to be shocked when you see them in person? They look completely different than their photo which was clearly taken decades earlier or with a drastically different haircut or style. The point of having updated photos isn’t for vanity but so that our clients can connect with us through our online presence and then feel the same when they’re with us in person. And I don’t know about you, but I definitely don’t want people to say ‘Oh you look nothing like your photo.’ I don’t feel like that’s a compliment. ?
Another reason it’s a good idea to keep your brand photos updated is so people know that you’re still active in your business and your photos are changing as you keep evolving and getting better. I’ve bought services from photographers in the past, and then come back years later to look into booking another session and all the photos are the same, even in their portfolio. (And as a photographer, there is just no good excuse for that. ?) Although their work may still be great, it does put some doubt in my mind. ‘Are they still taking their business seriously? Are they pivoting to another career?’ When people see us actively marketing, they can sense the pride we have in our work and that we’re not just coasting and treating them as walking wallets. Serving our customers should and earning their trust is something we should always be working on (even if we’re not posting to IG every day. ?)
So now that I’m done myth busting, maybe you’re ready for your own personal brand photo session. Head over to my home page to read about my process and how to book. Or if you’re wondering what brand photography even is, then click over to my blog to read all about it.